Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Case of the Absent Blogger

If you're reading this post, you may have noticed that my week off around Thanksgiving turned into a several month hiatus. Oops. A convergence of personal life stresses, graduate school pressures, a new job position, and a general lack of creative or productive feelings did me in.


I'm feeling much better now. My personal life is going swimmingly, I think I've got graduate school and my new job under control (for the moment, at least), and I've got creative juices flowing every which way (it's a messy image for a messy process). So I suppose this post represents my triumphant return to the world of fashion blogging--or at least a return. Triumphant remains to be seen, I suppose.

In the last few weeks, my creative energies have been working in a couple of fashion-related directions. One simply consists of dressing myself. I've felt much more experimental in the last few weeks and I think this experimentation has paid off.

Fuchsia & Black
This outfit was featured as one of Tricia Royal's wardrobe_remixers of the week last week, which just makes me all kinds of happy. It's such a nice feeling to have other people with awesome taste and style think you have awesome taste and style, too.

I've had the wrap skirt for a couple of years. I bought it in a random boutique in Evanston, IL, on my first trip up to visit a friend in Chicago. The fuchsia dress is a recent purchase, bought without having a chance to try it on properly because I could not pass up the color and the collar. The leggings and socks are from Target, and the shoes have been in my closet for years. I've rediscovered them recently, though, and have been wearing the heck out of them.

Feelin' Crafty:  Mar. 6, 2008
This is the other direction my creative energies have been working: embroidery. Here I'm embroidering a naughty word onto a paisley tie. This is a test tie, a prototype, if you will, for a larger project I'd like to undertake of embroidering various designs (not all naughty words) onto ties. Right now I'm in the bettering-my-skills-and-drafting-ideas stage, but I look forward to continuing to do more of this kind of thing. I also have some ideas for jewelry that I'll be featuring as they take more concrete form.


Della Street Dreaming said...

Glad that you have started blogging again. I couldn't get into the blog from the link on your latest WR posting - I had to go into your profile, if that makes sense.
Sue (middleagedteacher)

Christy said...

Oops. Thanks for letting me know about the broken link. I went back and fixed it.