Thursday, March 27, 2008

Happy 100% Percent Thrifted Birthday to me!

Today is my 29th birthday, about which I am very excited. I am sometimes a little sad that this is the last year of my 20s, because I've enjoyed my 20s, but I also see so many fabulous people (here and in my real life) who are rockin' their 30s (not to mention the fabulous people in their 40s, 50s, and so on) that I almost can't wait to get there myself.

My brother turned 26 a couple of months ago and started talking shit about how he was old now. I told him that I wasn't old yet so he couldn't be old yet, either. Furthermore, I told him, I would let him know when I got old so he could prepare for it.

Hasn't happened yet.

Today is also the last day in my No New Clothes Initiative, during which I only bought clothes that were thrifted, vintage, repurposed, or otherwise used. So I wore a 100% thrifted outfit in honor of that occasion.


softspoken said...

happy birthday :)

Anardana said...

I love the dress. I have a little collection of vintage hawaiian dresses. The best is when they are cotton and not poly- that's always exciting :)